Directed at coaches working with a range of developmental athletes predominantly at the Train to Compete stage of LTAD, the Competition-Development multi-sport modules provide a next step for those looking to enhance their expertise with a focus on building and supporting the developing athlete.
For a detailed program click here.
Cost per module ranges from $60 to $150 depending on length of delivery, or $600 for all modules. Space per module is limited to a maximum of 25 coaches, so be sure to register early. Registration for the Competition-Development Modules will close on May 11th.
Coaches who are looking for accreditation in the new NCCP Competition-Development context are reccommended to attend these modules. Also, coaches who have old NCCP accreditation can use these modules for Level 3 theory equivalency.
Level 3 theory equivalency requires coaches to be trained in:
And four of six of the following Competition-Development modules:
Coaching and Leading Effectively
Managing Conflict
Leading Drug Free Sport
Psychology of Performance
Developing Athletic Abilities
Prevention and Recovery